Join Our Letter Writing Campaign
Continued Action by CFFF to Demand Effective Management
of Claims Office and Fairly Compensate Fire Victims
Good Afternoon Coalition for Fire Fund Fairness (CFFF) Members, Supporters, and Community Advocates,
Now that 2024 is full-speed-ahead I want to bring your attention to a letter writing campaign that CFFF will be embarking upon from January 29, 2024 - February 29, 2024. In this new year, we will be continuing our fight for accountability and fairness in the claims process, and much needed reforms to the Claims Office.
Your support and individual actions to address the needs and concerns of Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon fire victims have always been the foundation of CFFF’s strength, and we need to keep
our resolve until leaders in Washington D.C. take action to do the right thing.
Below, please find online forms for the NM Congressional Delegation to send your letter. Please simply fill out the form and copy the below letter into the message box and submit the form. Please send it to all 5 New Mexico delegation members so they know we need their help.
Thank you y muchísimas gracias. Juntos lo podemos hacer.

Manny Crespín Jr.
Founder for Coalition for Fire Fund Fairness
Empower Change, Inspire Hope.
Join CFFF for real impact today!

Senator Ben Ray Luján: Online Form Link
Senator Martin Heinrich: Online Form Link
Representative Leger Fernandez: Online Form Link
Representative Melanie Stansbury: Online Form Link
Representative Gabe Vasquez: Online Form Link
1. CLICK Each Link – This will allow you to send each member a separate message.
2. Fill Out Entire Form – Input your name, address and all your contact information.
3. Message Topic – When asked for a topic, please select “Environment” in the issue area.
4. Message Subject (enter into subject line on form) – No More FEMA Bureaucrats; Appoint a Retired NM Judge to Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office Director Position
5. Copy and paste the below LETTER into the “message box” –
6. We would like to track our progress. When complete, please forward a copy of your letters to Manny Crespín at
U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján
498 Russell Senate Office Building
U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich
303 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510 Washington DC, 20510
Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez
District 3 (Representing fire victims)
1432 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC, 20515
Rep. Melanie Stansbury
District 1
1421 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC, 20515
Gabe Vasquez Gabe Vasquez
District 2
1517 Longworth House Office Building
Washington DC, 20515
Dear New Mexico Congressional Delegation,
First, thank you for your efforts to compensate victims of the Hermit’s Peak/ Calf Canyon fire. Congress’ passage of the Hermit’s Peak/ Calf Canyon Fire Assistance Act (the Act) and President Biden’s promise to make victims whole were important first steps, but the FEMA bureaucrats charged with administering the Act have failed us. The Coalition for Fire Fund Fairness (CFFF) has learned of the former Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office Director Angela Gladwell’s departure from the post. We are encouraged that you are listening to our concerns and we are sending this letter to reiterate our request that you appoint an outside and objective individual to lead the claims office. This individual must be a non-bureaucrat, must have a substantial legal background, possess a deep understanding of New Mexico’s culture and history, and must not be a current political appointee. The community will accept nothing less. Below are names of individuals that the community will accept as knowledgeable and objective to lead the claims office:
Tim Garcia, retired Judge, New Mexico Court of Appeals
Richard Bosson, retired Justice, New Mexico Supreme Court
Judith Nakamura, retired Chief Justice, New Mexico Supreme Court
Linda Vanzi, retired Chief Judge, New Mexico Court of Appeals
Alan Mallot, retired Judge, New Mexico District Court
Michael Aragon, Judge, New Mexico District Court
Further, we would encourage you to direct the team at the Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Claims Office and the newly appointed director to conduct meaningful community outreach. Meaningful outreach should encompass the obligatory deference, compassion and cultural acknowledgment necessary to effectively communicate with victims who have survived the fire, have been traumatized by aftermath of the fire, and have been strained by the currently broken claims process.
We believe that fire victims and our community deserve a fair, efficient and transparent process. We hope that the New Mexico congressional delegation will continue listening to victims, local leaders and community members and institute the meaningful changes outlined in our correspondence to you. On behalf of the fire victims and the community, we implore you to appoint an objective individual (non-bureaucrat) who is also a competent former judicial officer familiar with New Mexico law, to direct the claims office and conduct sincere and meaningful outreach to victims and the community. The Coalition for Fire Fund Fairness is a group of over 500 dedicated individuals and organizations that have organized in resolute commitment to restoring the lives and wellbeing of those affected by the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire.
